1. Thank you cards are something that can easily brighten someone's day. When I say thank you cards, I don't mean an email or a typed up document. I mean a sweet little card that has your effort put into it. When you write a card and hand deliver it or mail it, it shows that you really care. You can give a thank you card, it can be for anything. It could be for a gift that you got on any kind of special occasion. It could be a act of kindness, watching your child, house sitting, pet sitting, helping you study, hosting an event, volunteer work, ANYTHING!
2. Also acknowledging a person with a compliment or a kind hearted hello/how are you can be a wonderful way to make someone feel special. Along with this, including someone's name in one of these "small talk" conversations is a great way to make someone remember you or make things more personal.
3. Now the last thing has some southern terminology. Happies or sussies are little presents that can have a reason or could also have no reason at all. I love this! Everyone loves getting a little present every now and again. Also if you make them, they mean even more!
flowers from the farmer's market downtown- i love hydrangeas |
4. Flowers. This is something I don't do as often as I should, but it EASILY brightens someones day. Flowers are so simple and lovely. Can you imagine the smile on someone's face if you showed up on their front doorstep with flowers that are from your yard?! What a glow.
smiles & sunshine