Monday, May 28, 2012

A blog that you can finally count on!

For a long time I have been wanting to make my blog an every day/once a week kind of commitment. I have thought about it many a time but I have never had the will to commit. 

There have been many people that have inspired me to commit to the blogging experience. 

My undying excitement to check my iPhone's Reeder app every morning is the main source of inspiration. 
Gosh, there is nothing I love more than a good DIY post. 

I am not exactly sure what I have in store for my blog just yet, but I know that it will be lovely. 

smiles & sunshine

Sunday, May 27, 2012

First Sunday post: Inspiration in a photograph

Burano, Italy- although this lovely place is known as one of the most colorful places in the world, i changed the gradient to emphasize how important my subject was to me. the two little darlings in the first photograph were working for their grandmother. they were sorting all the shells that were for sale. they were absolutely darling. the second photograph is of a little girl that i photographed around her little play area for approximately 10 minutes. i don't believe that she ever noticed. she was a fabulous subject.
i took this photograph 3 years ago. it is a photo of my little brother's friend and our neighbor. they were all pretending to be superheroes this lovely afternoon.

and this one stars the love of my life. my little sister mathilde had her birthday party last sunday. the little sweetheart turned two. isn't she beautiful? her innocence always inspires me. 

smiles & sunshine